Sunday, April 26, 2009

Be Careful What You Ask For...

I should have been more careful. I asked My Dear when we could talk about hanging the rods for the curtains in our bedroom the other day. I forgot that he is a man of action. Within five minutes the ladder was out and he was marking the wall to drill. You can tell by the picture though that we probably should have talked a little more before leaping into action. There are a couple extra holes... totally not MY fault, of course. I am clear as a bell with my instructions - do you hear crickets again? I was afraid of that...

Anyway, I am now cleared in hot to start working on the curtains! Wow, that's great... except, I don't really WANT to work on them. I have a mental block I suppose. It's a lot of fabric and although I got it half off with a coupon, it STILL cost more than one pretty penny! I don't have too many mental blocks - drapes, pot roast, zippers, buttonholes (although I am overcoming the last two). At least I can leave the house and I'm not a TOTAL germaphobe.

So here is a list of my fears in undertaking this project:

> I will measure wrong and mess up many yards of pretty penny fabric.
> The serger will make a feast of the sheer fabric.
> They won't hang straight, and like crooked bangs, I will adjust them away to oblivion.
> There won't be enough fullness.
> The black out lining will be difficult to work with.
> I won't like them when I'm done.

and probably worst of all...
> My Dear won't like them.

I plan to work on them this week, come what may. Here's hoping it's all in my head!

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