With the flurry of tatted fall leaves which has been fluttering through cyberspace in recent weeks, I wanted to create one of my very own so I ordered a copy of "Tatting Turns Over a New Leaf" by Karey Solomon and set my cap for the Oak Leaf.
That was SOME TIME ago! This is the first piece I have tatted which wasn't either an edging or a motif created in an orderly fashion around a central axis. The pattern meanders a bit, IN FACT it felt like I left the pavement and went off-road tatting! I got stuck a couple times and had to call in a new shuttle to pull me out, I spun my wheels unpicking mistakes and by the time I pulled back on the highway I was running on fumes. It WAS a fun ride though, even if there were times I doubted I was headed in the right direction, and I'll take this pattern for another spin sometime.
It is no secret that I like collages. So I had allot of fun poking around a website called Polyvore recently. People go there and make a collage about pretty much anything. Allot are about fashion or actresses but there are some about things such as sewing, quilting and crochet. To search the site, click on the arrow to the right of "Search for Products" in the toolbar at the top of the page. Select search by sets. Then you can type in whatever interests you and see if anyone has made a collage of related items. I even tried colors and found some fun inspiration! I made my Garbo pun after seeing a version on this site, but I couldn't find it again when I went back to look for it.
A FINAL NOTE: APPARENTLY Garbo never said, "Leaf me alone." or even, "LEAVE me alone." She said, "I want to be let alone." But I already knew she had been misquoted in some form or fashion because I attended Looney Tunes University as a child and it was there that I took an intense, fifteen second, Garbo 101 course. It was a TOUGH final.
Th-th-th-That's All Folks! Cue the music...